Privacy Policy

The Australian Mining Cities Alliance (“AMCA”) is committed to protecting your privacy and, in accordance with this Privacy Policy, will keep secure any personal information this site gathers from you or you provide to us. The AMCA is committed to complying with the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Privacy Act”) in the way it handles personal information it collects.

This Privacy Policy sets out:

  • the types of personal information the AMCA collects and holds;
  • the way the AMCA collects personal information;
  • the purposes for which the AMCA uses personal information;
  • the circumstances in which the AMCA discloses personal information;
  • how the AMCA keeps personal information secure;
  • how you can access and seek the correction of your personal information; and
  • how you can make complaints with respect to the way the AMCA handles your personal information.

This Privacy Policy may be updated from time-to-time. Changes will be updated on this website.


The personal information collected by the AMCA, and the purpose for the collection, will depend on the AMCA’s interaction with you.


The AMCA will generally collect the name, contact details, job title and the organisation of individuals who register for an event organised by the AMCA. Depending on the event, we may also collect your dietary requirements. Depending on your method of payment, the AMCA may also collect information from you for the purpose of processing the event registration fee, such as your credit card details.

Photographs and recordings

The AMCA may collect extracts of speeches given at events. The AMCA may also collect photographs, audio and video recordings of individuals who attend events organised by the AMCA. This personal information is collected to enable the AMCA to promote its activities and to publish recordings or transcripts of events. For example, we may publish keynote speeches and use photographs in any of our hard copy publications and on our website.

Industry-related submissions

The AMCA may occasionally make media releases or submissions, with a view to promoting AMCA’s interests in the wider public forum. In doing so, the AMCA may rely upon comments or opinions of individuals and use these comments or opinions in the media releases or submissions.

Employment and contractors

The AMCA may collect personal information about job applicants, such as their name, address, contact details, current and past employment information, and educational qualifications. The AMCA also holds personal information about its current and former employees.

The AMCA will also collects personal information about its contractors and suppliers, such as their name, contact details, ABN, and bank account details for payment purposes.


Direct collection

Where it is possible, the AMCA collects personal information directly from the individual to whom it relates, such as in-person, or via the AMCA’s website. The AMCA may collect the information via a third-party service provider, such as an online booking agent when you make a booking for an AMCA event.

In some circumstances the AMCA or its third-party service provider may also collect your personal information from a third-party, such as your authorised representative when you authorise another person to register you for an AMCA event.


The AMCA may collect information about your visit to its website through cookies to assist the AMCA to measure and improve its website. Examples of information that the AMCA may collect include: day and time of your visit, whether you have visited the website previously, whether you used a search engine to find the AMCA and some geographical information about what country and state you are in.

If you wish, you can set your browser to reject cookies, or to notify you when you receive one in order to accept or reject such receipt in each instance.


The purposes for which the AMCA will use personal information will depend on the AMCA’s interaction with you.

Events management

When you register for an event the AMCA will use your personal information to enable it to organise, manage and conduct the event.

Upcoming events

The AMCA may also use the personal information you provide when registering for an event to provide you with additional information, such as about upcoming events the AMCA considers may be of interest to you. Please contact the AMCA using the contact details set out at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Payment information

Where the AMCA collects information for the purpose of processing your event registration payment, such as credit card information, the AMCA will use and disclose that information solely for the purpose of processing the event registration and its internal record keeping and auditing requirements.

Other uses

The AMCA may use your personal information for other purposes that relate the purpose for which it your personal information was collected. For example, if you are an employee or contractor, or if you have made an application for employment or to receive a contract, the AMCA will use your personal information to manage your employment or contract, or process your application, and the AMCA’s associated internal human resourcing and business management purposes.


The personal information the AMCA collects is for the use of the AMCA, and the AMCA does not ordinarily share the personal information it holds with other persons.

Purposes related to collection

In some circumstances the AMCA may need to disclose your personal information to other entities or persons for purposes related to the purpose for which it was collected. For example, the AMCA may need to disclose some of your personal information to third party service providers that the AMCA has contracted to assist with the organisation, management and conduct of an event you wish to attend.

The AMCA may also disclose your personal information to its professional advisers, including its accountants, auditors and lawyers.

With your consent

In some circumstances the AMCA will request permission from you to provide your personal information to third parties. Except as stated above, the AMCA will only provide your personal information to a third party where you have granted permission first.

Overseas disclosures

Except for the limited purpose of conducting an event overseas, the MCA does not hold or disclose personal information to entities located outside Australia.


The AMCA holds your personal information in a combination of hard copy and electronic files. The AMCA strives to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of personal information it holds, and the AMCA reviews and updates its security measures in light of current technologies.

Except for the limited purpose of conducting an event overseas, the AMCA does not hold personal information outside of Australia.

The AMCA will take steps to destroy or de-identify your personal information when it is no longer required.


If you would like to request access to, or the correction of, personal information that the AMCA holds about you, please contact the AMCA using the contact details set out at the end of this Privacy Policy.

The AMCA will provide you with access to the information it holds about you, including for the purpose of correcting or updating that information, unless there is an exception which applies under the Privacy Act. The AMCA will not charge you for making a request to access or correct your personal information. However, the AMCA reserves the right to charge a fee for processing your request, including searching for your personal information.

The AMCA will respond to your request for access or correction as soon as reasonably practicable.

If the AMCA refuses to provide you with access to your personal information, or to correct your personal information, the AMCA will generally notify you of its reasons for refusal and how you may complain about the refusal.


If you have a problem or complaint, including about the AMCA’s compliance with the Privacy Act or the Australian Privacy Principles, please contact the AMCA using the contact details set out at the end of this Privacy Policy. The AMCA will respond to your query or complaint as soon as reasonably practicable.

If you are not satisfied with the AMCA’s response, you may also contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. For more information about privacy issues in Australia and protecting your privacy, visit the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s website at


If you would like further information about the AMCA’s Privacy Policy or its handling of personal information, or you wish to request the AMCA take certain action in relation to your personal information, please contact the AMCA using the following contact details:

Executive Officer
Australian Mining Cities Alliance
Ph: 0428 680 418