Climate Change Bill Questions Asked

Australian Mining Cities Alliance watches with interest on behalf of mining communities across the nation as the Climate Change Bill is debated in the Australian Parliament.

“We will expect that the intention of the Bill and other related legislation should give greater confidence and comfort to the people that live and work in mining communities that the future impact on their sustainability and livelihoods are genuinely considered.” said AMCA Chair Phil Barwick today.

“We read with some optimism the Explanatory Notes to the Bill that state that;

“This clause provides an independent statutory role for the Climate Change Authority to provide advice relating to the statement, which would have a particular focus on assessing progress being made in achieving the targets. As with all of its functions, the Authority is guided by the principles in section 12 of the Climate Change Authority Act 2011 in preparing this advice. Relevantly, any measures to respond to climate change should:…

e.        take account of the impact on households, business, workers and communities”…;


“Subclause 14(3) enables the Climate Change Authority to conduct public consultation, where appropriate….””

“However, we humbly ask how and when the Climate Change Authority and the Minister for Climate Change and Energy will actually consult with the most affected communities ie mining communities?”, Mr Barwick continued.

“We also ask how the super-critical implications on economic and social sustainability for mining communities will actually be ‘taken into account’?”.

We ask these questions because we haven’t seen much if any genuine engagement with the Councils who are elected to represent mining communities so far.”.

“We call on our Local Members and Senators and relevant Ministers and Shadow Ministers to act to ensure that the answers to these questions are satisfactory.” he concluded.


For further enquiries please contact Gary Stevenson PSM Executive Officer – Australian Mining Cities Alliance on 0408 777 120 or at